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Cardio Bunny Brand Licensing



Our Commitment

We ensure that all our manufacturing partners are committed to making sustainable and eco-friendly Cardio Bunny products.

Eco-Friendly Fabrics

We seek out closed-loop manufacturing: We always try to partner with manufacturers who have systems in place to reuse or recycle waste materials within their production processes.

Fairtrade and ethical sourcing: Our team ensures our materials are sourced through fair trade practices that ensure fair wages and working conditions for farmers and workers.

Transparency and certification: we look for certifications like GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) or Oeko-Tex that verify the sustainability claims of our fabrics.

Durable and long-lasting products: Our teams design and manufacture garments that are built to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements and associated environmental impact.

Water Pollution

We aim to source materials using certified organic cotton: We promote organic cotton cultivation which uses significantly less water compared to conventional methods, reducing pressure on freshwater resources and minimizing agricultural runoff.

We only partner with manufacturers employing water-efficient dyeing and finishing processes: We look for partners who utilize innovative techniques like low-impact dyes, closed-loop water systems, and ozone treatments to minimize water usage and harmful chemical discharge.

We support the use of recycled materials: When possible we try to utilize recycled polyester or nylon significantly reducing reliance on virgin materials, requiring less water for processing and lowering wastewater pollution.

Cardio Bunny is an advocate for transparency in water usage throughout the supply chain: We encourage our partners to disclose their water footprint and collaborate on strategies for further reduction.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

We always prioritize renewable energy sources: We encourage our partners to utilize renewable energy sources like solar or wind power in their production facilities, significantly reducing their carbon footprint.

We choose materials with lower embodied carbon: Our team opt for fabrics like organic linen, hemp, or Tencel® Lyocell, which require less energy and harmful chemicals to produce compared to conventional options.

Cardio Bunny supports carbon offset programs: We aim to partner with organizations that invest in projects that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, such as tree planting or renewable energy initiatives.

We promote sustainable transportation and logistics: We advise our supply chain partners to work with providers who utilize low-emission transportation methods and optimize logistics to minimize their carbon footprint.

Worker Well-being

Safe and Healthy Work Environments: We require partners to uphold rigorous safety standards, provide proper personal protective equipment (PPE), and maintain a clean and hazard-free work environment. Regular inspections and certifications should demonstrate ongoing commitment.

Ethical Labor Practices: We expect partners to adhere to fair labor practices, including fair wages, reasonable working hours, and no forced or child labor. Independent audits and certifications are encouraged to ensure compliance.

Respectful Workplace Culture: Partners should foster a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and abuse. Open communication channels and grievance procedures should be established to address any concerns.

Worker Wellbeing Initiatives: We encourage partners to implement programs that promote employee well-being, such as access to healthcare, mental health resources, and opportunities for professional development.

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