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Cardio Bunny Brand Licensing

Cardio Bunny by Sugarfree: Licensing Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”) is designed to establish the principles, guidelines, and expectations for all parties involved in our licensing agreements. It serves as a framework for maintaining a strong and ethical business relationship. The parties to this Code include Cardio Bunny as the Licensor and our Licensees.


Cardio Bunny’s Code of Conduct sets forth ethical standards and practices to ensure an environment of respect, fairness, and humane treatment in the workplace. The Code draws inspiration from the International Labor Organization standards and widely accepted labour practices, aligning our principles with global labor standards.

As affiliates of Cardio Bunny, companies are required to uphold all relevant national and international labor laws applicable to their workers’ locations while adhering to the Workplace Code within their facilities. In cases where conflicts emerge between different standards, our affiliates are expected to uphold the highest standard.

Cardio Bunny maintains diligent oversight of Workplace Code compliance by evaluating adherence to the Compliance Benchmarks and the Principles of Monitoring. The Compliance Benchmarks outline specific requirements for meeting each standard within the Code, and the Principles of Monitoring guide the compliance assessment process. We anticipate our affiliates to make improvements when Code standards are unmet and establish sustainable mechanisms to ensure continuous compliance.

Cardio Bunny embodies collaboration, accountability, and transparency, acting as a catalyst for positive transformations in the workplace. As an organisation committed to progress, we aspire to lead globally in defining best practices for the fair and ethical treatment of workers while promoting secure and healthy work environments that provide just wages.

Employment Relationship

Cardio Bunny and its affiliates shall institute employment rules and conditions that honor workers’ rights, safeguarding those rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations.


No person under Cardio Bunny’s affiliation shall endure employment discrimination based on gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social group, or ethnic origin. Employment decisions, including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination, or retirement, should be devoid of discriminatory biases.

Harassment or Abuse

Every individual associated with Cardio Bunny, whether employee or worker, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Under no circumstance shall any worker face physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse.

Forced Labour

Forced labor, encompassing prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, or other coerced forms of labor, shall not find a place within Cardio Bunny’s affiliations.

Child Labour

No person shall be employed by Cardio Bunny affiliates below the age of 15 or below the age required for compulsory education completion, whichever is the higher age. We adhere to child labor regulations to protect the rights and welfare of young individuals.

Health, Safety, and Environment

Cardio Bunny affiliates shall create safe and healthy workplaces to prevent accidents, injuries, or health hazards arising from work or workplace operations. Environmental impacts of workplace operations shall be managed responsibly.

Hours of Work

Employers affiliated with Cardio Bunny shall comply with legal work-hour regulations in the workers’ respective countries. The regular work week shall not exceed 48 hours, with a mandatory rest period of at least 24 consecutive hours every seven days. Overtime work must be consensual and compensated at premium rates. Regular and overtime hours in a week should not exceed 60 hours except in exceptional circumstances.


Every worker has the right to compensation sufficient to meet their basic needs and provide discretionary income. Cardio Bunny affiliates shall pay at least the minimum wage or the higher prevailing wage, comply with all wage-related legal requirements, and provide fringe benefits as dictated by law or contractual agreements. We actively engage with affiliates to ensure worker compensation aligns with their needs and allows for discretionary income.

By upholding these principles, Cardio Bunny and its affiliates commit to maintaining an ethical and respectful work environment for all individuals. We pledge to stand by these values, promote adherence to the Code, and continually strive for better working conditions and fair compensation.

Ethical Behaviour

All parties shall ethically conduct business and adhere to the highest standards of integrity.

Compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards is mandatory.

Ownership and Use of Intellectual Property

The Licensor is the sole owner of the “Cardio Bunny” and “Sugarfree” trademarks, and the Licensees shall respect and uphold these intellectual property rights.

Licensees shall use the licensed trademarks and design documentation exclusively for the production, marketing, and sale of authorized products within the defined territories and for the specified periods.

No modifications to the design documentation or trademarks are allowed without the written consent of the Licensor.

Licensees may not use the licensed trademarks on products other than those authorized by the Licensor.


All parties agree to cooperate to facilitate the successful execution of licensing agreements, including but not limited to the provision of necessary design documentation and prototypes by the Licensor.

The Licensee agrees to cooperate with the Licensor in the preparation and execution of Special Campaigns and the permanent assortment.

Reporting and Payments

Licensees shall promptly and accurately report relevant data, including sales figures, within the stipulated timelines.

Payments, including Licence Fees, shall be made within the specified timeframe and currency.

Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality

All parties shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding any sensitive information or trade secrets disclosed during the course of the licensing agreements.

Advertising and Promotion

The Licensor agrees to support Special Campaigns by providing product images, models, and materials as agreed upon. Licensees may also take action independently.

All parties shall respect intellectual property rights when using images, models, and marketing materials for promotional purposes.

Sustainability and ethical practice

Cardio Bunny is committed to sustainability and ethical practices in all aspects of its business. We expect our licensees to uphold these values as well. We require all licensees to:

  • Use sustainable materials and manufacturing methods whenever possible.
  • Ensure that their workers are treated fairly and paid a living wage.
  • Comply with all applicable labor and environmental laws and regulations.
  • Implement and maintain a code of conduct that aligns with Cardio Bunny’s sustainability and ethical practices and values.

We monitor our licensees’ compliance with these requirements and take appropriate action if necessary.

Size inclusivity

Cardio Bunny is committed to size inclusivity and believes that all women should have access to high-quality activewear that fits them well. We expect our licensees to uphold these values as well.

We require all licensees to offer a wide range of sizes, including plus sizes. We also require them to use inclusive language and imagery in their marketing materials.

We believe that size inclusivity is essential to creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all women. We are committed to working with our licensees to make sure that all women have access to the activewear they need to feel confident and empowered.

Brand image

Cardio Bunny’s brand image is one of our most valuable assets. We expect our licensees to uphold and protect our brand image at all times. We require all licensees to:

  • Use only authorized marketing materials.
  • Avoid any activities that could damage our brand reputation.
  • Represent our brand positively and professionally.

We monitor our licensees’ compliance with these requirements and take appropriate action if necessary.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute, parties shall engage in good-faith discussions to resolve issues through negotiation.

If resolution is not possible, parties may consider seeking mediation or legal remedies as outlined in the original licensing agreement.


Both parties retain the right to terminate the licensing agreement in the case of a breach of terms. Termination can only occur after providing notice and a reasonable opportunity for the breaching party to cure the breach.

Compliance with Code

All parties shall comply with this Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the licensing agreement.

Review and Amendment

This Code of Conduct may be reviewed and amended as necessary. Any amendments shall be communicated to all parties involved.

This Code of Conduct serves as a framework for ethical behavior and cooperation between Cardio Bunny / Sugar-Free and its Licensees. All parties shall abide by the principles outlined herein to ensure the successful and ethical execution of licensing agreements.


Cardio Bunny / Sugarfree 2023

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